Ribbons, pigment ink drawing for aquarelle paper

Recently I found these old sketches for aquarelle paper. My original idea was to colour them with water colours, which I decided to now fulfill. But not this one – I sort of like it as it is.

Sketches for Plankko/Habitare

I’m taking part to Habitare 2011 in September with Plankko. We all make some small artworks to giveaway with some of our VIP clients. This is a very small (10×10 cm) archival pigment ink drawing to high-quality, heavyweight, acid and ligning free cellulose paper. I’ve made 10 of the same series, with ink drawing only, and then some more with also some water colour added.

Those evil badges

My monster designs are mostly about monsters who do their everything to be scary – but usually they are not. At all. In fact, they are quite easy to carry around.

Cat pirate

Original drawing for one of the Monsterium series postcards. I sell these original, hand drawn and signed pictures (drawn with water resistant pigment ink) as colouring pictures. There is a empty line at the lower right corner, next to my signature, to whoever will colour this one.

Card designs

Little Witch That Knits

My contribution to the Sketchbook Project 2011, still in process in this picture. The little sketchbook toured around US this summer, with nearly 10 000 other books, but is still waiting to be scanned.

Flowers, pigment ink drawing for aquarelle paper

No 8

In my Finnish colour site Coloria I have a questionnaire about how colours and numbers correlate. A few years back I illustrated an example based on an excel pie diagram of the Coloria data.

Flowery Flow.

A vector illustration for a printed square tablecloth for my friend.

Leaves, petals or something like that

Pigment ink drawing for aquarelle paper. I found this perfect, rough Cartiera Magnani Toscana Aquarello paper – which I found out to be actually quite good drawing paper, which most rough aquarelle papers are not… I decided to draw outlines with archival pigment ink and then colour the images with water colours. The colouring just was forgotten…